Essential Job Readiness Skills That Every Graduate Needs To Develop Essential Job Readiness Skills That Every Graduate Needs To Develop

Essential Job Readiness Skills That Every Graduate Needs To Develop

Starting a Job Posted by: GradSiren
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We often hear the terms job-ready skills, soft skills, and/or employability skills from various career counselors. But are they necessary in getting a job or developing a successful work life? Yes! Soft skills are a crucial part of career development, and these skills are not limited to just technical areas, but to all positions and industries.

According to a Harvard University study (Pathways to Prosperity Project study), 85% of entry-level job success is measured by a person’s soft skills, leaving technical skills at only 15% of a person’s success rate. Many US employers have discovered that a substantial amount of recent graduates suffer from employability skill deficiency, so in order for these job seekers to be employable, he or she must develop good job-ready skills.

The six key skills that employers require for entry-level jobs are:

  1. Professionalism
    2. Learning Skills
    3. Communication Skills
    4. Critical & Creative Thinking
    5. Teamwork and Collaboration
    6. Self-Management

1. Professionalism

Entering the workforce directly after college is not easy. Individuals need to demonstrate that they are responsible, can maintain good relations with others, are organized, can manage projects well, and can display a deep sense of self-control and good time management, These are essential in a professional setting, and unfortunately, are not always taught at the university level.

2. Learning Skills

The ability to learn comes next. Employers are looking for individuals who are willing and able to learn new things. This shows dedication, especially if a potential employee is interested in attending webinars/seminars to make him or herself an asset to the company. A willingness to keep up to date with the latest technology, and a strong desire to know current industry trends are valued by managers. Being motivated to improve oneself with feedbacks and reviews will also demonstrate a desire for maximum performance.

3. Communication Skills

The ability to communicate efficiently and effectively is one of the most essential skills for the 21st century. Managers favor employees who can comfortably communicate in a professional manner with all levels of people.

In this digital age, it is also essential to be able to share knowledge and information through various electronic devices. Those potential employees who can demonstrate strong verbal and written skills in different types of media have an added advantage.

4. Creative and Critical Thinking

Creative thinking is having the ability to solve a problem or issue in a way that is different from traditional methods, thus creating a new pathway to problem solving. Critical thinking is the ability to evaluate, investigate, and assess the best possible solutions to resolve problems.
In today’s workforce, creative and critical thinking are both essential. Managers desire individuals who can make individual decisions and tackle problems critically, who can evaluate data and deliver relevant information to their supervisors as needed, and who can provide creative solutions for project obstacles.

5. Teamwork and Collaboration

Teamwork and collaboration are necessary in today’s workforce. Most jobs require cooperation and a joint effort between employees. Recent graduates should have the capacity to work well in a team setting.

Remember, when joining a company, you need to think and approach situations with the goal of bringing success to your company. Therefore, you need to demonstrate you are a team player and be willing to offer solutions to help resolve issues and help attain the objectives of the company or organization.

6. Self-Management

Employers are seeking entry-level employees who most likely will not be project/team leads at the outset. But these individuals do need to be able to demonstrate self-management with the capacity to plan, organize, and then execute the task at hand. By developing these skills, an entry-level employee should be able to manage his or her job well, and handle pressure as it comes his or her way.

These six job readiness skills will help graduates be successful when entering the workplace. They are great stepping stones to help the individual advance in his or her career of choice.


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