How Much Should I be Paid at an Entry-Level Job?

How Much Should I be Paid at an Entry-Level Job?

Finding a Job Posted by: GradSiren
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There are often a lot of misunderstandings when starting your search for an entry-level job. There are part-time and full-time jobs, and there are different expectations in terms of compensation.

Average salary

The average entry-level job salary in the U.S. is $28,000 according to Glassdoor, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s what you’ll make at your first post-college job.
Salary partially depends on the city in which you live and the type of industry you’re getting into. Do research ahead of time on the average salaries in your area so that when the job offers start coming in, you’ll know how those offers stack up compared to the average.

How can you find out the entry-level salary for a chosen field?

Once you know the precise position you’re applying for, do some research on other jobs within that industry. You can use sites like Glassdoor and to find average salaries; the U.S. Department of Labor can also be a good resource.

Can I negotiate a salary?

The short answer is: not really. Negotiation is not typically an option for entry-level candidates, but you can at least judge how the salary matches up to your area’s average in that field.
However, this is the time to do research on the company and think about how you can tailor your skill set to match what the employer is looking for, which will make you a more valuable candidate. When you are filling the application, you should mention if you earned some special academic honors, as this will give you the chance to earn a higher salary.
What you earn at a job doesn’t end with a salary. Often there is an extended benefits package that may include paid vacation and health insurance, which is a major part of a competitive job offer. The intangible value of an entry-level position is the experience you acquire.
Salaries for recent graduates will be different based on job requirements and your personal abilities. Identify jobs that correspond to your talents and abilities and compare those to potential earnings and consider it a way of advancing your career.

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The information on this site is provided as a courtesy. GradSiren is not a career or legal advisor and does not guarantee job interviews or offers.

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