Pain Treatment Specialists

Pain Treatment Specialists


location New York , NY

Industry Type(s): Media/Dotcom/Entertainment

Pain Treatment Specialists Overview

If you are in pain and unsure of how our pain treatment specialists can bring your health back, please let us introduce you to Jasmin, the office manager that loves dancing and working out. Our Pain Treatment Specialists helped her get back to her active lifestyle with non-invasive pain relief treatments.

We utilize advanced pain management techniques to customize a plan specific for each patient, helping them avoid complicated surgeries. Our doctors specialize in fluoroscopic guided epidural steroid injections, facet injections, knee injections with viscosupplementation, and many of the latest pain treatment modalities available on the market. Pain Treatments are covered by most major medical insurances, including Medicare. We offer FREE insurance verification.


Pain Treatment Specialists
Pain Treatment Specialists

New York , NY

Global Headquaters

New York , NY , 10017 , United States



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businessCompany Type

Public Company