Centre for DNA FingerPrinting and Diagnostics

Centre for DNA FingerPrinting and Diagnostics


location Hyderabad , TS

Industry Type(s): Biotechnology

Centre for DNA FingerPrinting and Diagnostics Overview

The Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics (CDFD) is an autonomous Company funded by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Additionally, DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics services supplied by the centre service a few of the actions.

Centre for DNA FingerPrinting and Diagnostics
Centre for DNA FingerPrinting and Diagnostics

Hyderabad , TS

Global Headquaters

Hyderabad G.P.O. , Hyderabad , Telangana , TS , 500001 , India



fullscreen_exitCompany Size

200 -500 Employee

businessCompany Type

Public Company